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The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies – Donation Bonus

The Battle of the Five Armies may only have been about 50 pages in J.R.R. Tolkien’s novel The Hobbit but it is the focus of Peter Jackson’s third and final Hobbit film.  It’s elves and humans versus dwarves and orcs, with a few special surprises thrown in!  How does the Battle of Five Armies compare to the Battle for Middle Earth in Return of the King, and were three films warranted to tell the story from one novel?  Thanks to your donation to Now Playing you can listen and find out as Jakob, Stuart, and Arnie complete their Lord of the Rings Bonus Retrospective Series!​The Battle of the Five Armies may only have been about 50 pages in J.R.R. Tolkien’s novel The Hobbit but it is the focus of Peter Jackson’s third and final Hobbit film.  It’s elves and humans versus dwarves and orcs, with a few special surprises thrown in!  ​How does the Battle of Five Armies compare to the Battle for Middle Earth in Return of the King, and were three films warranted to tell the story from one novel?  DONATE TO SUPPORT NOW PLAYING and you can listen and find out as Jakob, Stuart, and Arnie complete their Lord of the Rings Bonus Retrospective Series!

NOTE: This Podcast was originally made available to donors for a limited time. To celebrate 10 years of Now Playing Podcast we have made this show available again!

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December 25, 2014 - Posted by | News

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