Venganza Media Gazette

Tech, TV, Movies, Games, and More

Battle for the Planet of the Apes- for Patrons (Limited time release)

Battle for the Planet of the Apes was always intended to be the final film in this classic sci-fi series. With Fox executives’ eyes firmly on a television future this fifth installment was designed to close out the saga and design a universe full of more episodic adventures. However, with a slashed budget, executive interference, and few returning cast members could this Battle ever be won? With a gold level donation to support Now Playing you can listen and find out!

NOTE: This Podcast is for our Patrons of Now Playing’s Podbean Campaign pledging $50 or more.  This podcast will only be available to Patrons until September 30, 2017

You can also get this movie review individually for a small donation, or you can subscribe for 12 months to access all our bonus shows.

Every dollar you donate goes to make this show the best it can be. Thank you for your support and we hope you enjoy the podcast!

June 20, 2014 - Posted by | News

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